Full name: Vadim Anatolievich Istratov

Date of birth: October 29, 1967

Place of birth: Donetsk region, Pokrovsky district, Malinovka (Ulyanovka) village

Places of residence:

Donetsk region, Pokrovsky district, Malinovka (Ulyanovka), 14 Sadovaya str;

Donetsk region, Mariupol, 152 Granitnaya str.


Priazovsky State Technical University, specialty: finance;

Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, specialty: public administration

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: BB459460

Identification number: 2477300179

Driver’s license: JANA320978, BBT742976, JANA626005

Mobile number: +380983639970

Occupation: t.n. deputy for financial and budgetary issues t.n. of the local council of Mariupol

Labor Path:


  • Head of the Department of Finance of the Administration of Primorsky District of Mariupol;
  • deputy head of the Mariupol administration on financial and budgetary issues;
  • editor-in-chief of the newspaper Vecherny Mariupol;
  • deputy for financial and budgetary issues t.n. local council of Mariupol.

The Political Way:

2020 – party deputy

2021 – deputy of the Mariupol City Council from the political party

He defected to the side of the occupier, like most members of the political party “opzj” closely cooperates with the occupation authorities.

Like all those on the other side of the “barricade,” Vadim Anatolievich does not recognize Russian aggression against Ukraine. Does not object to the presence of occupation troops on the territory of Mariupol and further integration into the Russian Federation.

Took part in a meeting of the so-called The head of the Mariupol city administration Ivashchenko Konstantin Vladimirovich with St. Petersburg governor Alexander Beglov regarding the restoration of civilian infrastructure and the early return of Mariupol to civilian life.