Full name: Baluev Ivan Sergeyevich

Date of birth: 10.12.1983

Passport: 7434294

INN: 3796401296

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Mariupol, Zelinskogo str. 102, sq.50.

Phone: +380983924365


– a former police officer in the city of Mariupol;

– An employee of the security services of the “dnr;

– traitor, traitor, collaborator

Police traitor Ivan Sergeyevich Baluyev was born on December 10, 1983, in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region. He served in the city police department in the settlement of Yalta in the Donetsk region as deputy chief of the department.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops in 2022, Ivan Baluyev betrayed his oath and voluntarily went over to the side of the occupiers.

After the emergence of separatist movements in the region, he joined the terrorist “DnR” battalion and actively participated in combat operations and received training at the local militant training center. Baluyev also served in the military service in the units oftheministry of state security of the DPR.

Since March 2022, policeman Baluyev has been serving in the Mariupol Primorsky District under the occupation authorities as deputy chief of the sector.

Ivan Sergeevich Baluev, an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian authorities against Ukraine and its citizens, will be punished before the law and will soon find himself in the dock.