Full name: Panov Ivan Evgenievich

Date of birth: 08.11.1979

Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, v. Kirovskoe, 3 Oktyabrskaya St., apt. 24; 5 Podgorskaya St., Sudak city;


Passport: EE 181758, EU 025282;

Passport for traveling abroad: ET 851416

Driver’s license: VAE819722,
ACV402584, KRA077069;


– officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, head of the data transmission gr. of the measuring post of the department of radar, telemetry, extraterrestrial measurements and the unified time system of the GANIC firing range;

– t.s. “serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;




He is not married and has no children.

Defector turned traitor – Ivan Panov was born on November 8, 1979 in the city of Sudak, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Panov spent practically his entire life in Sudak, beginning with his service in the AFU and ending with a sneaky betrayal.

By the way, Ivan served in the Main Aviation Research and Testing Center of Ukraine. There he served as head of the data transmission group of the measuring post of the department of radar, telemetry, extraterrestrial measurements and a unified time system of the range. Unfortunately, no one knew then who Panov would really turn out to be.

In 2014, after the Russian Federation began its illegal occupation of Crimea, Ivan Panov betrayed Ukraine and defected to the occupiers. Now he “serves” in the Russian Armed Forces. Moreover, he even laid down his “oath of allegiance to the Russian Federation” in order to prove his “loyalty” to his new “masters.

Ivan Panov faces a just punishment for treachery, which will inevitably catch up with him.