Full name: Ivan Alexeyevich Terezov

Date of birth: August 22, 1998

Place of birth: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Lotikovo village.

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, village Lotikovo, Gogol Street, 38.


  • Ukrainophobe, traitor, fights for the side of the occupants.


Collaborationist activities:

Ivan Alexeyevich Terezov was born on August 22, 1993 in the urban-type settlement of Lotikovo, Lugansk region.

During the occupation of Luhansk region decided to meet the invaders. Not only has Ivan become one of the invaders himself, but he also maintains his own Instagram page, where he loudly speaks out about Ukraine and its people. Thus, Ivan Terezov showed his very essence as a corrupt bastard, who is ready to dance to the tune of murderers for money.

When the Ukrainian territories are returned, people like Ivan will go to prison.