Name: Musienko Julia Anatolievna

Date of birth: December 28, 1967

Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Mariupol.

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Mariupol, Oleg Koshevogo Street 28, a quarter of 85.

TIN: 2483315425

Cell phone:



  • heads the humanitarian aid headquarters.

Collaborationist activities:

Yulia Anatolievna Musiyenko was born December 28, 1967 in Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast.

Since 24.02.2022 – with the arrival of the occupation, Yulia Musiyenko went to cooperate with the invaders and became head of the humanitarian aid headquarters in Mariupol.

Now he is engaged in volunteer work for the occupiers.

Thus Yulia betrayed Ukraine. During the de-occupation, Musiyenko will go far away from Mariupol.