
Full name: Podvorchanskaya Julia Valeryevna

Date of birth: 07.08.1980

Address: Ukraine,Kherson region,Genicheskiy district,Novoalekseevka village, 30 years of October 60, sq.30.


– Director of Novoalekseevskaya school No. 2 under the occupants;

– Participant of the pseudo-referendum on the territory of Luhansk oblast


Podvorchanskaya Yulia Valeryevna – an accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a traitor to Ukraine, an employee of the occupation administration in Kherson region, was born in the village of Novoalekseevka, Genichesk district. The woman had been the deputy head of the culture house for some time.

After the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine by Russian occupants, Yulia Valeryevna showed her anti-Ukrainian position and supported the policy of the occupants on the territory of Kherson region. The woman voluntarily agreed to cooperate with the representatives of the Rashist authorities and began working in the field of education under the occupation authorities.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

First of all, the accomplice of the Rashists directly participated in the processes of the pseudo-referendum on the territory of Kherson region, was the coordinator and was responsible for the preparation for the illegal event.

Then Yulia Podvorchanskaya was appointed by local collaborators-pseudo-government officials to the position of “director of Novoalekseevskaya school No. 2”. The traitor is engaged in brainwashing Ukrainian children with Russian propaganda. She was also the organizer of many cultural events at the school, which were held under the motto of “Russian peace” and dealt with the forced evacuation of children from Kherson region to the territory of russia.

For complicity with the occupation troops, assistance to the enemy and pro-Russian position the traitor Podvorchanskaya Yulia Valerievna is waiting for imminent punishment, which will soon befall the traitor.