
Full Name: Katerina Nikolaevna Shishko

Date of Birth: 14.09.1981

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Energodar city


+380990426417, +79900703152


– t.s. “head of the economic development department under the occupation administration.”

– Collaborator, traitor to the Motherland.



The official who betrayed Ukraine – Shishko Kateryna Mykolaivna, was born on September 14, 1981 in the city of Energodar, Zaporizhzhya region. She studied at secondary school No. 1. Then she entered and graduated from Taurida State Agrotechnological University. She worked as an economist in administrative agencies and administrative services center.

However, everything changed forever with the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. When the russian occupation forces entered the city of Energodar, russian “representatives” began recruiting local civil servants and government officials.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

A similar “offer” was made to Katerina Nikolaevna, to which she agreed. The invaders lavishly rewarded the traitor with a “promotion” – she was appointed to the position of the so-called. “head of the economic development department at the occupation administration of Energodar city.

Thus the woman worked and continued to work in the utilities only under the “Russian world“. In her pseudo-duty she coordinates various issues related to taxation, registration of enterprises and administration according to the standards of the Russian Federation.

In addition to working in illegally created self-government bodies represented by the occupation authorities in the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, Shishko Kateryna was involved in the “referendum” and acted as a participant of the election commission.

True, for all their actions sooner or later will have to pay. Shishko Katerina Nikolaevna will pay a dear price for her heinous treason against her country and her people.