Full name: Konstantin Mikhailovich Ponomarenko

Date of birth: 24.12.1971

Address: Ukraine, Crimea, Evpatoria, Lesya Ukrainka str, 6, kv.8, Mayakovskogo str, 12.

DRFO: 2629014653

Passport of the Russian Federation: 03 14 906923

Phone: +79787036067


– The so-called “manager of the Druzhba sanatorium in Yevpatoria;

– Collaborator, traitor to Ukraine, war criminal;


Ponomarenko (Khairova) Alesya Nikolaevna, born in 21.08.1978, registered at the address: Evpatoria, 73, 9th of March street, kv 105. Contacts: +79787660482,
+380684717500, +380981003023,
[email protected]. DRFO: 2872204620. Ukrainian passport: EE 541443.

Ponomarenko Galina Nikolaevna, bornSeptember 23, 1953, registered at: Evpatoria, Lesya Ukrainka Street, 6, apartment 8.. Contacts: +79780098256,
+380502939869. DRFO: 1962605727. Ukrainian passport: EE 379378.

Ponomarenko Yakov, born December 23.

Sonya Ponomarenko, born on October 23, 2003.

Ogneva-Ponomarenko Svetlana Mikhailovna, born on April 08, 1980, vehicle: Hyundai Getz, license plate A876ST, region 82. DRFO: 2931816228.


Konstantin Ponomarenko was born December 24, 1971 in Evpatoria. Not much is known about his past. Before the occupation of the peninsula, he worked as a private entrepreneur, running an outerwear manufacturing firm, Agroyugservis, in Yevpatoria. After the illegal annexation, he remained in Crimea and was granted Russian citizenship.

A couple of years ago, the Russian media wrote that the Druzhba sanatorium, where Ponomarenko was in charge, was feeding children with garbage instead of food. At the time Ponomarenko explained the incident by the fact that “the fryer was out of order.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Sanatorium “Druzhba” is located 160 meters from the beach in Evpatoria – Mayakovsky Street, 7. In October 2022, the occupation authorities in Kherson (shortly before the city was liberated by the Ukrainian military – note) evacuated thousands of Ukrainian children and placed them in several camps in Yevpatoria, including the sanatorium “Druzhba. The children were promised a two-week “vacation,” but later they were held there for more than six months. And some haven’t come back until now.

Judging by the testimony of minors who managed to return to Ukraine, they were brutally abused. For any manifestation of national identity: patriotic slogans and Ukrainian symbols, they were severely punished, up to and including beatings, locked in the basement, and had their phones taken away.

Every day the children were told that Ukraine would soon be gone, so they had to adapt to the “new realities” or else “there would be problems. In fact, they tried to “turn Ukrainian schoolchildren and students into Russians” in Rashist-controlled sanatoriums. Such actions, a forced change of ethnicity, fall under the concept of genocide. Konstantin Ponomarenko’s involvement in this crime has already been recorded.

For any crime comes punishment. Konstantin Ponomarenko faces a harsh but fair sentence for his heinous treason and complicity in crimes against the people of Ukraine.