Full name: Onishchenko Larisa Petrovna

Date of birth: 06.11.1969

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Makeyevka, Fabritiusa str. 22, sq. 37;

PHO: 2551207107


– an employee of the education department of Makeyevka city council;

– t.s. “Head of the Department of Administration of the Central City District in the city of Makiivka;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;


Unmarried, no children..

“Official” in the “service” of the Russian occupiers – Larisa Petrovna Onishchenko, born November 6, 1969 in the city of Makeyevka, Donetsk region. Larissa will spend her life in this city, here she will have fun for a year of her childhood, and here she will commit her vile betrayal.

Onishcheko worked as a civil servant in the Department of Education of Makeyevka City Council. There she became “famous” among her colleagues as someone with clearly pro-Russian convictions. In 2014, she “confirmed” the speculation of her acquaintances – she became an impostor.

When did the so called “illegal armed groups” emerge? In the “DPR” and “LPR,” Larisa Onishchenko betrayed Ukraine and went into the service of terrorists. The latter, as a “thank you”, made Larissa the “boss” of the so-called “Administration of the Central City District Administration in Makiivka”. Since February 24, 2022, she continued to “work” for the Russian occupiers.

Larissa Onishchenko for betraying Ukraine faces the inevitable punishment that will inevitably come to her.