Full name: Tolstykina Larisa Valentinovna

Date of birth: 03.10.1976

Address: Ukraine,Makeyevka of Donetsk region.



– ex-deputy of the Makeyevka city council from the “party of regions;

– Acting Minister of Labor and Social Policy of the DnR;

– State traitor, collaborator, collaborator with the occupation troops



Tolstykina Larisa Valentinovna – state traitor was born on October 3, 1967 in the city of Makeyevka, Donetsk region. After graduating from secondary school #18 in Makiivka, she graduated from Donetsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in electrical power of industrial enterprises and cities. She graduated from the Donetsk Polytechnic Institute with a degree in electrical supply of industrial enterprises and cities.

In 2008 she received her second higher education, graduating from Makeyevka Institute of Economics and Humanities with a degree in “Jurisprudence” (qualification “Lawyer”). She began her career in 1989 as an economist in the planning and economic department of the “Granit” pilot plant.

In 2001, Larissa Valentinovna applied for service in the local government. She worked in the department of domestic policy and interaction with socio-political organizations.

In 2006 and 2010, she was twice elected to the post of Secretary of Makeyevka City Council. During her time in local government, she actively participated in the public and political life of the city.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

With the beginning of the illegal invasion of Ukrainian territory by Russian occupation troops in 2014, Larisa Valentinovna Tolstykina expressed her personal civic position against the “Putin regime” and supported the idea of establishing a “Donetsk People’s Republic.

From November 2014 to October 2015, the collaborator Tolstykina was the first deputy head of the Makiivka city administration. Also, for a long time, the state prisoner held the “post” of “Acting. Minister of Labor and Social Policy of the DnR“.

The woman was awarded the Badge of Honor “for services to the city” and a certificate of merit from the head of the “Donetsk people’s republic.

For supporting the occupation troops, as well as spreading pro-Russian sentiments, the accomplice of the “Russian world,” Larisa Valentinovna Tolstykova, will answer to the law. The collaborator cruelly betrayed her people and the woman was justly punished for it.