
Full name: Larisa Borisovna Urvantseva

Date of birth: 03.06.1962

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Gorlovka city


– propagandist of the “Russian world“;

– director of t.nz history museum in Horlivka;

– An accomplice of the Russian troops, a collaborator of the Russian army


Urvantseva Larisa Borisovna – traitor to Ukraine, who believed in the “Russian world” and went to the side of the enemy was born on June 03, 1962 in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk region. He has a higher education. Graduated from the Polytechnic Technical School of Donetsk National Technical University. Until 24.02.2022, she worked in one of the state institutions, namely, the department of culture.

With the beginning of the Russian occupants’ invasion of Ukraine, the woman was among those traitors and accomplices of the occupation regime, who in the first days of the war switched to the enemy side and became puppets in the hands of pro-Russian pseudo-government officials in the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk region.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Larisa Urvantseva became a member of all kinds of holidays and events organized by pseudo officials and gauleiters of the occupation administration and events. One of the first representatives of the “cultural sphere”, a female collaborator received a passport and Russian citizenship. She participates in the meetings of “representatives of the administration department” because she received a long-awaited career advancement from the occupants – a pseudo-duty of the director of the Museum of History of Gorlovka, where she discusses cultural and public issues, conducts excursions for children in the spirit of “Russian patriotism“. He is proud that he lives in the “Donetsk People’s Republic” unrecognized by the civilized world.

In addition, it is not surprising that Larisa Borisovna, a state traitor, supported the region’s accession to the russian Federation and enthusiastically participated in the pseudo-referendum.

The woman urged parents of schoolchildren to recognize the Russian curriculum and read Russian textbooks. The traitor continues to support Russian educational standards and propagandizes anti-Ukrainian sentiments, honors the history of the aggressor state.For her pseudo-educational and cultural activities, she received certificates and commendations from the gauleiters.

For betraying her homeland and promoting the ideas of “Russian peace“, the accomplice of the Russian occupation regime will be justly punished before the tribunal. Soon the collaborator Urvantseva Larissa will be held accountable for all her crimes.