
Full name: Telegin Leon Viktorovich

Phone: +380952323336

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Berdyansk


– former chief engineer of Berdyansk Bakery Ltd;

– an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops since the beginning of the full-scale invasion;

– Deputy Head of the Technical Branch of the Berdyansk Bakery under the occupation authorities


Leon Viktorovich Telegin, an accomplice of the Russian occupiers, who did not hesitate to betray his country and began working for the enemy, was born in the city of Berdyansk, Zaporozhye region. Most of his career was devoted to LLC “Berdyansk Bakery Plant”, where he served as chief engineer of the enterprise and was responsible for technical compliance with the standards of bakery products.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Zaporizhia region by Russian invaders, Leon Teligin, like many other employees of state enterprises in Zaporizhia region, betrayed his country and decided to defect to the Russian occupation authorities. Soon Teligin continued to work at the plant, only under the Russian occupation flag.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Thus, the traitor took the post of deputy head of the technical branch of Berdyansk bakery under the occupation authorities, which is part of the agricultural complex “State Grain Operator. The collaborator actively participates in all events organized by the Russian occupants and promotes the ideas oftheRussian world.

At one of these events, in honor of the celebration of Children’s Day, Leon Telegin gave a tour to children from the city of Berdyansk and told them about the cultural traditions of Russia, as well as the importance of the educational process through patriotism and love for the “motherland”.

After the tour and master class, Teligin, an accomplice of the Rascists, distributed gifts to children from local Gauleiter and representatives of Russian organizations in the Zaporizhzhia region, because the collaborator is convinced that everything in this life can be bought with money.

Having sold his country and trying to make amends through caring for his children, Leon Teligin, an employee at Berdyansk Bakery, should remember that sooner or later no one wants traitors. And for the damage done to the homeland and the blatant betrayal of the Ukrainian people, retribution will surely come, because cooperation with an aggressor country cannot be forgiven.