
Full name:
Svetlana Nikolaevna Chirkina

Date of Birth:

Ukraine, Kherson region,Oleshkovsky district,Yubileynoye village


– former employee of the Kamensko-Dneprovsky Technical School of the State Water Resources Agency of Ukraine;

– an employee of the occupation administration of the Zaporozhye region;

– t.nz chief specialist of the department of juvenile affairs and protection of their rights.



Riga Lyubov Grigoryevna – an accomplice of “Putin’s regime” in Ukraine was born in the village of Barvinovka, Zaporozhye region. Lyubov Grigorievna has a higher education. Before the war she was an employee of the Department of Education, Youth and Sports of Kamensko-Dneprovsky district state administration of Zaporizhzhya region for a long time. She was a member of the “Party of Regions” and ran for the post of chairman of the village council. She took the post of Secretary of the Ivanovo Council of Kamenko-Dneprovsky District.

Lyubov Grigoryevna held the position of secretary of the settlement council, had organizational and administrative functions among local citizens, organized various events in her locality.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After the full-scale invasion of the Russians on the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, the woman, who gave so many years of labor activity for the benefit of Ukraine, began to actively assist the occupation troops and the temporary leadership on the territory of Kamensk-Dniprovsky district, showed collaborationist activity towards the occupants.

Thus, the woman went to work in one of the departments of the occupation structure “department of organizational-administrative work and social assistance” at the “department of labor and social policy” under the chairmanship of the gauleiters of Zaporizhzhya region..

The collaborator served the residents of the city as a “chief specialist of the social protection department” under Russian law and facilitated the activities of rf military personnel, supports the occupation of Ukraine by the russian armed forces.

Lubov Riga, an accomplice of the Rashists, took a position related to organizational and administrative functions in the illegal authority. Thus, the woman actively abetted the Rashists and helped the occupation authorities to “establish” the social sphere in thetemporarily occupied territories of Zaporizhzhya region, advocated for “Russian peace“.

Then she agitated people to go and get Russian citizenship and promoted the obtaining of Russian passports. In short, she did everything in her power to become a traitor and a state traitor for years.

The collaborator, who betrayed all legal norms and moral principles, will soon have to answer to the people for her complicity with the Russian occupants and violation of Ukrainian legislation. After all, the punishment for aiding the Russian enemy is inevitable.