The minor traitor Vlada Andreevna Lugovska was born on October 20, 2006 in the sunny city of Kherson. Studied t.v. “journalist” in Kherson’s Gymnasium No. 20. At the same time, she was not known for her exemplary behavior at school.
Vlada met the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, in Kherson. Vlada didn’t make it. Along with the family to Ukrainian-controlled territory, but remained in the city temporarily occupied by the Russian army. There she was not confused, because the Kremlin handlers began to actively recruit young people to participate in their “projects. One such project was the “Tavriya” quasi-television channel, which was created to monopolize the broadcasting of Russian propaganda on the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region. Vlada, on the other hand, decided to betray Ukraine and became a so-called “correspondent” for the opportunity to “make money” and at the same time become a local “celebrity. All the more so because she had an “outlet” to the leadership – she is acquainted with Vladimir, the son of one of Tavria’s leaders, the collaborator Ismail Abdullayev. That said, she cooperates knowingly and says that her handlers “didn’t kill anyone.” – it means it is possible to “work” on them. There is nothing to say about her words that she is “not for Ukraine.
Lugovskaya does not yet understand what she faces for her dastardly betrayal. And the fact that she is a minor will not save her – even small children know who is an enemy and who is a friend. And for working for the Kremlin propaganda she faces at least life in the Russian backyard, or even worse (physical elimination).
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