Full name: Belotserkovskaya (Ermak) Lyubov Nikolayevna

Address: Ukraine, Mikhailovka Kherson region.


– an employee of the occupation administration in the Kherson region;

– State traitor, collaborator


Lyubov Nikolayevna Belotserkovskaya, a traitor to her motherland, was born in the village of Mikhailovka, Skadovsky district, Kherson region.

Lubov Nikolayevna worked in local government. After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Svetlana began actively assisting the occupying forces and the interim leadership in Mykhailivka.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Collaborator contributed to the activities of Russian Federation military personnel, supports the occupation of Ukraine by the Russian armed forces. The traitor served as chairman of the village under the administration of the Russian occupiers.

She was in charge of settling the Russian occupants, as well as coordinating humanitarian aid and various supplies for the Orcs. Actively assisted the enemy and the occupation authorities. Involved in the “referendum.

Lubov Nikolayevna Belotserkovskaya will soon have to answer to the people for collaborating with the occupants. After all, punishment for aiding and abetting the occupiers is unavoidable.