Full name: Bursugina Marina Nikolaevna

Date of birth: 24.02.1987

Address: Ukraine,Zaporizhzhya region,Kamenka-Dneprovska city


– an employee of an agribusiness company;

– an employee of the occupation;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities


Bursugina Marina Nikolaevna – an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops, who voluntarily agreed to help the aggressor country, was born on February 24, 1987 in the town of Kamenka-Dneprovska. Until February 24, 2022, Maria was employed as a specialist of the product quality department at one of the agro-industrial enterprises of Zaporizhzhya region – Blagoveshchenskiy Zernoprodukt, which is engaged in wholesale of grain, unprocessed tobacco, seeds and animal feed.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders on February 24, 2022, Bursugina began to support the arrival of the “liberators” and actively displayed her pro-Russian stance. During the seizure of the Blagoveshchenka enterprise by the invaders, she was one of the first to go to work for the occupation authorities and helped to start up the enterprise.

In April 2022, the traitor agreed to cooperate with the occupation authorities and set up agrarian activities in the temporarily occupied territories. She received a “position” from the occupants – senior laboratory assistant. Accordingly, the collaborator was directly involved in the export of grain from the district.

She is also a candidate in the Zaporizhzhya region elections from the occupation authorities and is on the list of theUnited Russiaparty. She received a Russian passport, which she is very happy about. She also received all kinds of social assistance packages from Russia and pays taxes to the aggressor country.

But the traitor cannot hide from the law. The accomplice of the “Russian world” will have to answer to the law for supporting the occupation troops and spreading pro-Russian sentiments. The collaborator will receive a fair punishment.