Full name: Marina Vladimirovna Mironchenko

Date of birth: April 18, 1963

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Mariupol, Bakhchivandzhi str. 14, bld. 30; Uritskogo str. 122, bld. 40;

DRFO: 2311814288


Passport: VS 731698

Car: WV Passat, license plate AH8325NM;


-secondary specialty- Mariupol College of Music;

-Higher -Donetsk State University of Management (2006-2011);


– chief specialist of the cultural and educational department of the Mariupol City Council;

– t.s. “head of the department of culture of the Mariupol occupation administration;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;




She is not married and has no children.

Official and traitor in one person – Mironchenko Marina Vladimirovna, born April 18, 1986 in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region. Marina spent her school years at High School 60 from 1970 to 1978. After graduating from high school, Mironchenko enrolled at the Mariupol College of Music, where she graduated in 1982.

After that she worked for a while in various musical institutions, but the real success Marina achieved at work in the Mariupol City Council. There, Mironchenko was the chief specialist in the cultural and educational department. By the way, back in 2011 she graduated from Donetsk State University of Management, so she was a valuable specialist. It’s too bad that Marina turned out to be a traitor in the future.

After the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and the entry of Russian occupation forces into Mariupol, Marina Mirzoeva betrayed Ukraine and defected to the side of the enemy. The occupiers decided to thank Mirzoeva “for her loyalty” and therefore decided to appoint her “chief” of the so-called “Department of Culture of the Mariupol occupation administration. It was established that in her “position” Mirzoeva was directly involved in the promotion of “Russian culture” and the destruction of Ukrainian literature and works of art.

Marina Mirzoeva faces a just punishment for “working” for the enemy, which is getting closer and closer to her every day.