
Full name: Maxim Igorevich Katsidan

Date of birth: August 17, 1992

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Chaplynsk district, s.Krestovka


– a former employee of the housing and utilities department;

– chairman of the Krestovsky village council in the Kherson region under the occupants;

– traitor, collaborator



Katsidan Maxim Igorevich – traitor to his state, who gave so many years of service to his Motherland, but in the end meanly betrayed it, was born on August 17, 1992 in the village Krestovka Chaplynsky district of Kherson region.

He was a member of the political party “Party of Regions“. He worked in the administrative structures of the village council. Afterthe full-scaleinvasion of the territory of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Maxim Igorevich voluntarily chose the enemy side and began to actively assist the occupation troops and the interim leadership in the village of Krestovka.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

The collaborator contributed to the activities of the Russian military and willingly agreed to the occupants’ offers to work in the “local administration” and, in time, to hold the position of “chairman” of the township council.

Maxim Katsidan urged the locals not to resist the Russian troops. Apparently the traitor acted by order of the security services of the Russian Federation. Provided the enemy with lists of ATO/OSS participants, the AFU, and their relatives. Facilitated the looting of the property of pro-Ukrainian citizens forced to leave their homes.

Now the traitor performs the duties of the village chief under the occupation administration and carefully monitors the observance of “public order and discipline” among the inhabitants of the village.

For complicity with the occupants, the collaborator Maxim Igorevich Katsidan will be punished inevitably. And it will come very soon. After all, you will have to answer to the people for all your crimes.