
Full name: Maxim Ponomarenko

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Akimovsky district, Volchanskoye village.


– an accomplice of enemy troops, a participant in a pseudo-referendum;

– an informer of the occupation authorities;

– traitor, collaborator of the Russian occupation troops


Ponomarenko Maxim Alexandrovich – accomplice of the Russian occupants was born in the village of Volchanskoye, Akimovsky district, Zaporizhzhya region. After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops began on February 24, 2022, Maksim’s parents believed in the “Russian world” and willingly took part in a pseudo-referendum, and the man himself voluntarily began to help the enemy and engaged in collaborationism.

Since the beginning of hostilities on the territory of the state , Ponomarenko has actively expressed his commitment to the occupation authorities.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

The accomplice of the enemy troops cooperated with representatives of Putin’s regime, took part in all events organized by the occupation authorities in support of the war in Ukraine. Participated in an illegal referendum on the violation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and started fighting against his people.

Being informed about the placement of AFU servicemen, pro-Ukrainian-minded persons and ATO/PLO participants from among local residents of the above-mentioned locality, the collaborator of terrorist troops deliberately surrendered such people to the local occupation authorities, because the collaborator justifies and recognizes the actions of armed aggression against Ukraine, and his mother surrenders pro-Ukrainian-minded people for humanitarian aid.

By helping the occupants, Maxim Ponomarenko signed his own sentence. For treason and aiding and abetting the enemy, the traitor will face imminent punishment and a fun time behindbars.