Full name: Mikhail Mikhailovich Shvedky

Date of birth: 13.01.1990

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Lisichansk, Zvezdnaya street, 19.

higher education

Skype: 1ave1assof


– software engineer at OOO Valuiki-Soft;

– t.s. “head of the department of life support of the village. Melovatka”;

– A traitor, an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops;



Mikhail Mikhailovich Shvedkiy is a traitor to Ukraine and an active supporter of the Russian occupation troops, born on January 13, 1990 in the city of Lisichansk , Lugansk region.

Until February 24, 2022, Mikhail lived in Lisichansk and worked as a software engineer at Valuiki Soft LLC. He received his higher education at the East Ukraine National University. V. Dahl. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Luhansk Oblast by the Russian occupants, Shvedky betrayed Ukraine and became an accomplice of the occupants.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

As soon as the Russian invaders entered Lysychansk, Mikhail betrayed Ukraine and volunteered to support the Russian occupiers. The latter appreciated his abilities and appointed him “chief” of the so-called “of the department of life support in the village. Melovatka of the Svatovka district administration of the LNR”.

In his “post” Michael is directly related to the crimes of the so-called of the “occupation administration” against the civilians of Melovatka. He also gave orders to destroy households and farms, not forgetting to plunder them and sell the loot on the territory of the Russian Federation. In working for the enemy, he was guided solely by personal gain.

Sooner or later, there is a reckoning for any wrongdoing. And Mikhail Shvidkoy will not escape a fair retribution for the crimes committed against the Ukrainian people.