
Full name: Lotkova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Date of birth: December 7, 1952

Occupation: collaborator

Address of residence:

  • г. Mariupol, Residential Complex “Nevsky
  • г. Mariupol, 88 Mashinostroitelnaya St., apt. 72


TIN: 1933411447 (Ukrainian)

Passport: BB 197393 (Ukrainian)


  • +380971245836
  • +380982163131
  • +380629421372


Husband: Lotkov Nikolai Grigorievich.

Date of birth:

Place of birth: Mariupol, Ukraine

Address of residence:

  • г. Mariupol, Residential Complex “Nevsky
  • г. Mariupol, 88 Mashinostroitelnaya St., apt. 72


TIN: 1928811358 (Ukrainian)

Son: Dmitry Lotkov Nikolayevich.

Date of birth:

Place of birth: Mariupol, Ukraine

Address of residence:

  • г. Mariupol, Residential Complex “Nevsky
  • г. Mariupol, 88 Mashinostroitelnaya St., apt. 72


TIN: 1928811358 (Ukrainian)

Car: Chevrolet Lacetti 2005 model year, license plate AH 37965 OV (Ukrainian)


  • +380963065967

Son’s wife: Yekaterina Viktorovna Lotkova (Mundulova)

Date of birth: April 20, 1986

Place of birth: Mariupol, Ukraine

Address of residence:

  • г. Mariupol, Residential Complex “Nevsky
  • г. Mariupol, Kotelnikova St., 66


TIN: 3152102785 (Ukrainian)

Passport: VK 322412 (Ukrainian)


  • +380979129009
  • +380717301785

Biography of Nadezhda Lotkov:

Nadezhda Lotkova was born December 7, 1952. I’m registered at 88, Mashinostroitelnaya Street, apartment 72, Mariupol. It’s an old Soviet high-rise on the northern edge of town. Lotkova is now retired. I used to work at the Ilyich Iron and Steel Works.

Collaboration activities of Nadezhda Lotkov:

After the occupation of Mariupol she stayed with her family in the city. Figures on the video with Putin during the latter’s visit to Mariupol. The recording of the dictator began to be distributed by the Russian media on March 19. The night before he allegedly visited the Nevsky residential complex, where he talked to local residents. The Russians built this residential complex after the occupation of Mariupol on the western outskirts of the city. According to eyewitnesses, there are many buildings destroyed by Russian bombing near the new building. But they were not shown in the video with Putin, so as not to break the propaganda picture.

Nadezhda Lotkova and her family apparently received an apartment in the Nevsky housing complex from the occupation authorities to replace the one that the Russians themselves had destroyed.

The Family of Nadezhda Lotkov

In the residential complex “Nevsky” Nadezhda Lotkova lives with her husband, son and family of the latter. Lotkova’s husband, Nikolai Grigorievich, was born on October 22, 1952. He is now retired. I used to work at the Ilyich Iron and Steel Works.

Son – Dmitry Nikolayevich was born August 5, 1984 in Mariupol. Graduated from School No. 30 in the Kalmius district of Mariupol. Then – the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Welding of the Priazov State Technical University. Then he worked at the Ilyich Iron and Steel Works in Mariupol.

My son’s wife, Yekaterina Viktorovna (maiden name Mundulova) was born April 20, 1986 in Mariupol. In 2009, she graduated in banking from the Priazovsky State Technical University.

The Lotkov family deservedly ended up in the “collaborators” section of Evocation.Info because they openly played along with Russian propaganda in the aforementioned video of Putin. And also did not hesitate to receive housing from the occupation authorities of Mariupol, in fact recognizing it.