
Full name: Plitnichenko Nadezhda Yurievna

Date of Birth: 22.02.1984

Place of birth: Melitopol, Zaporizhzhya Oblast


  • Head of the Social Fund of Russia in Zaporizhzhya region;
  • an accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator;

Address: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Melitopol, Ivan Alekseev street, 2


  • TIN: 231536987113


The information on collaborators is taken from an OSINT community investigation:


Plitnichenko Nadezhda Yurievna – a state traitor who believed in the “Russian world” and “liberators”, was born in the city of Melitopol, Zaporozhye region on February 22, 1984. For a long period she headed the legal department of the Pension Fund of Melitopol city.

After February 24, 2022, the woman supported Russia’s occupation actions towards Ukraine. Thus, Nadezhda voluntarily started to cooperate closely with the occupants after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, in particular in Zaporizhzhya region.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

In 2022, the collaborator Plitnichenko joined the occupation structures of the Russian Federation operating on the territory of the occupied Zaporizhzhya region and was appointed to the position of the manager of the branch of the Social Fund of Russia in Zaporizhzhya region.

In addition, the collaborator was engaged in Russian passportization of pension fund employees. Organizes the payment of allowances from the Russian budget to residents in the occupied territories. Became an accomplice of all propaganda activities organized by the Russian invaders.

Now state traitor Nadiya Plitnichenko provides direct assistance to the occupation structures and actively performs organizational and administrative functions in the social sphere on behalf of the occupation authorities.

Plitnichenko actively helps the occupation authorities to identify pro-Ukrainian residents of Melitopol, for which he is regularly “rewarded” by local police officers.

For such traitors as Nadezhda Plitnichenko should be applied the highest measure of restraint for high treason and complicity with the Russian occupants it will certainly come. It’s only a matter of time.