Full name: Rybkina Nadezhda Anatolievna

Date of birth: August 29, 1965

Place of birth: Donetsk region, Nikolsky district, Kalchik village.

Places of residence:

Donetsk region, Nikolsky district, Kalchik village.

  • Komsomolsky Prospect, 5;
  • ul. Cosmonauts. 5, sq. 2

Education: Priazovsky State Technical University

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: VS920649

Identification number: 2398211803

Mobile numbers: +380662679040, +380715992016

Occupation: t.n. Specialist of the Department for Territory Development of the Volodarsky District of the Administration of Novoazovsk “dnr


Collaborationist activities:

In 2010, she served as head of the Kalchytsia Village Council, and in 2021 she became head of the Kalchytsia United Territorial Community.

With the outbreak of large-scale war, she voluntarily defected to the side of the occupant.

After the occupants seized the village. Nadezhda Anatolievna consciously gave the aggressor a Tavria car with license plate number AN2799. It is worth noting that the car was on the balance sheet of the Kalchytsia territorial community.

It also assisted the occupants in strengthening their positions in the Kalchytsia Autonomous Region. Repeatedly spoke before the local population, where she justified the actions of the aggressor to occupy Ukraine.

Moreover, it urged residents to give the aggressor all possible assistance for the normal functioning and implementation of military activities.