
Full Name:
Natalia Demyanova (Kobileva).

Date of birth: 16.01.1963

Ukraine, pgt.Markovka Luhansk region


– librarian-ideologue of the“Russian world“;

– organizer of propaganda activities under the occupiers;

– Traitor to the Motherland, collaborator


Natalia Demyanova (Kobileva) – pseudo-teacher who betrayed her country was born in Ukraine in Markovka settlement of Lugansk region. She has a long pedagogical experience. Graduated from L
Graduated from the Lugansk State Institute of Culture and Arts.

The teacher who was supposed to teach children patriotism and love for their country turned out to be a despicable traitor and accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities. After the invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine in 2014, Natalia went over to the side of the occupiers, because she chose the values of the“Russian world“.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Now the traitor works as a bibliotaker in one of the educational institutions. The collaborator conducts propaganda activities among children and forces them to implement the Rashist ideology; she is subordinate to the so-called“Ministry of Culture and Education”.

The traitor also participates in the organization of cultural festivals for the younger generation with Rashist symbols. Conducts propaganda work among the population against Ukraine, supports the occupants, distributes their humanitarian aid.

Also, her cultural “activity” was recognized by the gauleiters of the Markov district in the form of pseudo-grams and pathetic gifts. She received a certificate of completion of a course on conducting propaganda in biblotheques, and gave interviews to the Rashist media with anti-Ukrainian statements against her native language and culture.

A woman who has lived and worked under Ukraine for so many years is an accomplice of Putin’s regime in Ukraine, as well as an accomplice to the crimes of Russian occupiers against Ukraine and its citizens, for which she will certainly have to answer.