
Full name: Dunay Natalia Andreyevna

Date of birth: April 26, 1985

Place of birth: Ukraine, Luhansk region, Sverdlovsk district, Voznesenovka town

Address: rf,Murmansk region,Kirovsk,25a Kirov street,sq.36.

Passport of a citizen of rf: 4722,#8782186

INN: 511801090233


– t.s. “Associate Professor of the Department of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Dahl Lugansk State University”.

– participant in the “pseudo-referendum.”

– member of the socialist political party “fair russia-patriots-for truth in lnr”;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupiers.


Dunay Natalia Andreevna is a state traitor who chose the side of the accomplice of “Putin’s power“, was born in Voznesenovka, Luhansk region.

Natalia worked as a senior lecturer at the Dahl Lugansk State University. At work, she distinguished herself through corrupt activities. Turned out to be a bribe-taker who didn’t shy away from taking funds for exams. In addition to a great love of money, Danube Natalia showed her commitment to the “Russian world” and with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the Russian invaders on the territory of the Lugansk region, the woman went over to the side of the enemy.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Thus the collaborator cooperates with the occupation authorities, voluntarily and on her own initiative took the position of “associate professor of the department of the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education of the Dahl Luhansk State University” under the “lnr” .

The collaborator also participates in joint propaganda activities with the Russians and their henchmen. Participated in the organization and holding of an illegitimate referendum, voted “for” the annexation of Luhansk region to the russian Federation.

The collaborator also managed to distinguish herself in social and political activities. Natalia Andreevna holds the position of the so-called “head of the local branch of the socialist political party “Fair Russia-Patriots for Truth in Lnr” in Dolzhansky municipal district.

For aiding and cooperating with the Russian occupation authorities, the traitorous Danube Natalia Andreevna will answer to the tribunal. The collaborator of the occupiers and terrorists, as well as all other collaborators, will receive a just punishment.