Full name: Klimovich Natalia Nikolaevna

Date of birth: 04.06.1985

INN: 3120108621

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Svetlodarsk, 82, sq. 60


– Lawyer, lawyer in Svetlodarsk;

– legal consultant in a pseudo-referendum in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine;

– Lawyer of the occupation structures of Svetlodarsk;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator


Klimovich Natalia Nikolaevna was born on June 04, 1985 in Svetlodarsk, Donetsk region. He has a law degree. In her hometown, the woman was a private attorney. He is a member of the Council of Lawyers of Donetsk region.

Unfortunately, with the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops in February 2022, Nataliya Klimovich “proved herself” to be a traitor and collaborator and began to provide her legal services to the occupiers.

A collaborator holds a position in an illegal judicial body established in the temporarily occupied territory. Traitor Klimovich also actively participated in the preparation for a pseudo-referendum in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine in August 2022. Klimovich acted as a coordinator of the “electoral process” and provided pseudo-legal support for the illegal event.

For betraying the homeland and “serving” the interests of the occupiers, the lawyer of the occupation administration of Svetlodarsk Klimovich Natalia Nikolaevna will receive a fair punishment before the tribunal. Soon the collaborator will be held responsible for all her crimes.