Full name: Natalya Aleksandrovna Korneeva

Date of birth: 09/13/1969

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Starobelsk, ul. Tsentralnaya, 106.






– t.s. “chief specialist of the archives department of the Starobelsk district administration of lnr”;

– secretary;

– State traitor, an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops;



Korneeva Natalia Aleksandrovna is a traitor to Ukraine, and an active supporter of the Russian occupation troops, was born September 13, 1969 in Starobelsk, Lugansk region.

Until February 24, 2022, Natalia lived in Starobelsk. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian invaders, Korneev was sneakily betrayed by Ukraine and became a bedfellow of the Russian invaders.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

When Russian occupation troops invaded Luhansk oblast, Natalia committed high treason and voluntarily began to “cooperate” with the enemy. The occupiers appointed the traitor Korneeva as “chief specialist” in the so-called “Department of the Starobelsk District Administration of Lnr”.

As an “employee” in the so-called “occupation administration,” Natalia provided “assistance” to the collaborators and occupiers in committing crimes against the civilian population. Also working as the “chief specialist” of the archive, Korneeva is engaged in “sorting” the occupiers’ documents so that in the event of a Ukrainian counterattack, the “evidence” can be quickly destroyed.

A female member of the “Putin regime” under the direction of the Rashist authorities performed the duties of a specialist of the personnel work department, as well as administrative functions, listening to the collaborators.

In addition, the collaborator was engaged in Russian passportization of residents of temporarily occupied settlements of Starobelsk district. .Joyfully reported on the opening of illegal rf administrative bodies on the territory of the Luhansk region. Processed and issued the necessary documents according to the Russian model. Became an accomplice of all propaganda activities organized by the Russian invaders.

However, Natalya Korneeva will soon answer to the Ukrainian people for her betrayal and crimes against civilians. The bench is already waiting for the collaborator.