Full name: Lubartseva Natalia Petrovna

Date of birth: May 13, 1971

Passport: VS408598

TIN: 2606511382 (date of receipt: 08.03.1997)

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Volnovakha district, s.Zlatoustovka, str.Gogolya, 7

Phone: +380667841421


-secretary of the Zlatoust village council under the occupation authorities;

-Traitor, collaborator

Lyubartseva Natalia Petrovna – traitor to the Motherland, was born on May 13, 1971 in the village of Kirovske, Volnovakha district, Donetsk region.

After graduating in 1988, Zlatoust school in 1992 entered the Slavic State Pedagogical Institute, from which she graduated in 1997, specializing as a teacher of pre-school pedagogy and psychology, teacher.

From 1997 to 2004, Natalia Petrovna worked as a teacher of nursery-kindergarten number 6 “Bell” in the village of Zlatoustovka.

Also Liubartseva Natalia studied at Berdyansk Pedagogical University (correspondence department) and received a specialty “Ukrainian language and literature”, worked as a teacher of Ukrainian language and literature in Zlatoust school.

In addition to teaching, Natalia Lyubartseva also worked in local government. On December 18, 2009, she was appointed to the position of Category 1 Specialist Land Surveyor of Zlatoust Village Council, and in 2015 Natalia Petrovna was elected Secretary of the Zlatoust Village Council.

Collaborationist activities:

After thefull-scaleinvasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Natalia Lyubartseva began actively assisting the occupying forces and the interim leadership in the village of Zlatoustivka.

Collaborator contributed to the activities of Russian Federation military personnel, supports the occupation of Ukraine by the Russian armed forces. Now the traitor Lyubartseva serves as secretary of the Zlatoust village council under the administration of the Russian occupiers.

Natalia Lyubartseva, a collaborator with the occupants, will soon have to answer to the people for aiding and abetting the invaders. After all, punishment for aiding and abetting the occupiers is unavoidable.