Full name: Sharko Natalia Anatolievna

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Oleshkovsky district, s.Novaya Mayachka, str. Sadovaya,92

TIN: 2770906201



– Judge of the Genicheskiy District Court;

– Judge of the occupation structures of Genichesk;

– State traitor, collaborator


Sharko Natalia Anatolievna – a state traitor, who betrayed Ukraine and its people, was born in the village of Nova Mayachka, Oleshkovsky district, Kherson region.

Sharko worked for a long period of time in the Department of Education, Culture, Family, Youth and Sports of Oleshkivka Rayon State Administration.

Then an employee of the educational sector, Sharko has over the years shown more and more commitment to the “Russian world“. When a full-scale war broke out in Ukraine, Natalia became one of the first residents of the said locality who voluntarily defected to the side of the occupants. After all, she’s been waiting for Russia to come for so many years.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the full-scale invasion of Russian invaders and occupation of Kherson region in February 2022, Sharko demonstrated her pro-Russian stance. The collaborator voluntarily, without coercion, entered the position of a judge of the Genicheskiy district court of the Kherson region.

State trafficker Sharko holds a position in an illegal judicial body established in the temporarily occupied territory. In this “position”, the collaborator builds her career under the Russian flag and is engaged in organizing the work of the “court”, forms its apparatus, and participates in the consideration of court cases.

Working in the occupation court “Genicheskiy district court” the accomplice of“Putin’s regime” ruled on the detention of a Ukrainian accused of “participation in an illegal armed formation”. The traitor was also the head of the draft board, cooperated with medical workers-collaborators, and provided pseudo-legal support.

For betraying the Motherland and “serving” the interests of the occupants, the judge of the occupation administration Sharko Natalia Anatolievna will be justly punished before the tribunal. The collaborator will soon be held responsible for all her crimes against Ukraine.