Full name: Stolyarova Natalia Vladimirovna

Date of birth: September 7, 1974

Marital status: married

Place of residence: Kherson, 168A, Perekopskaya str.

Education: Odessa Tchaikovsky Conservatory. Nezhdanova

Identification number: 2727810262

Mobile numbers: +380957213051, +79900013735

Email: [email protected]

Occupation: Director of the Kherson Music School


Collaborationist activities:

Prior to joining the occupier, she worked as a teacher of musical and theoretical disciplines at the Kherson College of Culture.

With the arrival of the aggressive Putin regime decided to cooperate with the occupation authorities on their terms. She independently expressed a desire to continue as a teacher for the benefit of the Russian Federation, but at the direction of the invaders the curriculum was somehow adjusted, the “lion’s share” of which would be taken up not by music, but by propaganda activities.

She was soon appointed director of the Kherson Music School. Together with pre-selected training personnel, she conducted propaganda lectures on the possible incorporation of the “liberated” territories of Ukraine into the Russian Federation. I was also interested in students’ subjective opinions about the current political situation in the country and how the younger generation views the integration of Ukraine or parts of its territories into the Russian Federation.

She also asked students about their parents’ opinions on the current political situation. She distributed symbols of the Russian Federation and gave lectures on the cultural heritage of the Russian Federation.

Conducted classes on the role of patriotic song/music in the life of man and citizen. In one of her classes she conducted a choral singing of a patriotic and provocative song by former Volgograd Oblast State Duma deputy Anna Kuvychko, “Uncle Vova, we’re with you!

On several occasions during her lectures, she made ambiguous statements in favor of the president of the Russian Federation, where she tried to justify his actions and aggression in Ukraine.