Full name: Nikita Alexandrovich Averkin

Date of birth: February 16, 1994

Passport: VK698663

INN: 3438004796

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Mariupol, Shevchenko Blvd.

Phone: +380984335344, +380629507562,+380983901680


– member of public organizations in the city of Mariupol;

– head of the committee for youth policy in Mariupol under the occupation authorities;

-An accomplice of the Russian occupiers, a collaborator

An accomplice of the Russian occupation troops, Nikita Averkin was born on February 16, 1994, in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region. In his hometown he was actively engaged in social activities. He worked as an instructor for the Federation of Service and Sporting Dogs, and was also a member of the Sincerity NGO.

After thefull-scaleinvasion of Ukraine by the rf on February 24, 2022, Nikita Averkin forgot what sincerity and love for the motherland meant. Averkin chose the side of betrayal and complicity with the enemy. In May 2022, the social activist voluntarily defected to the Russian occupiers and began working in the social sphere under the leadership of the “local administration.

Some time later, the collaborator was appointed head of the Youth Policy Committee of the “Mariupol City Administration. The traitor was one of the organizers of the grand opening of the local branch of the All-Russian public organization “Young Guard of United Russia” in the city of Mariupol.

Thus, pro-Russian activist Nikita Averkin provided “military-patriotic education” to children and youth in the city. In August 2022, he proudly spoke at an event dedicated to Russian Federation State Flag Day.

In addition, the collaborator Averkin coordinated humanitarian aid to Russian servicemen and lured the youth of Mariupol to work in various humanitarian headquarters.

Averkin Nikita Aleksandrovich is a traitor to the motherland and a despicable collaborator, for which he will soon have to answer both before the law and before the people of Ukraine.