Full name: Ovsyannikov Nikolai Georgievich

Date of birth: 02.06.1977

Place of birth: Ukraine, Kherson region, Genichesk.

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Genichesk, Kovalenko brothers street 59, kv.12; 40 years of Victory street 6, kv. 24.

INN: 2827716030

Phone: +380973917244

Occupation : Deputy Chief of the Occupation Police in the town of Genichesk.

Marital Status: Married, with a son


Collaborationist activities:

Collaborator Ovsyannikov Nikolai Georgievich was born on June 2, 1977 in the city of Genichesk.

Traitor Nikolai Georgievich began his journey as an ordinary patrolman, and apparently will end up as deputy chief of police of the city of Genichesk. He cooperated with the occupiers. Thanks to them, in fact, and got the role of deputy. This is an interesting way for MIA employees to betray their oath to the Ukrainian people for the sake of money and office. Nikolai was inducing people to participate in pseudo-referendums.

After liberation from the invaders, Nikolai Ovsyannikov will answer to the people for his actions.