Full name: Nimetullaev Seytumer Nuridimovich

Date of birth: June 10, 1952

Place of birth: Uzbekistan, Samarkand region, Bulungur district, Jambai village

Address of registration: Kherson region, Genicheskiy district, Novoalekseevka urban type settlement, Petrovskogo street 162

DRFO code: 1915403613

Marital status: married

Education: Graduated in 2002 as a mechanical engineer

Phone: +380934429621

Occupation: so-called “deputy head of the occupation administration on national issues in the city of Genichesk, Kherson Oblast.









For many politicians, 2014 was the cornerstone, the point of no return that ended their peaceful existence.

Seytumer Nuridinovich began his political path as a confidante of Leonid Kuchma, and later the president-turned-president Viktor Yanukovych.

In 2005-2006 he was unsuccessful in running for the Verkhovna Rada from the Party of Regions, but in 2010 was elected deputy of the Henichesky district council from the Party of Regions, where he managed to earn a lot of money having hotels, recreation centers, car business, markets, thousands of hectares of land and engaged in racketeering in various areas of business, most of the business was transferred to his wife Nadiya.

He was twice elected a delegate to the national assembly of the Qurultai, but was expelled from the Qurultai for calling for integration and improving interstate Russian-Ukrainian relations.

He is an outspoken supporter of “Russian peace,” has repeatedly emphasized the need to introduce peacekeeping troops into southern Ukraine, has praised Putin’s regime, has claimed that Ukraine has large stockpiles of weapons that could be a threat to its inhabitants, and is convinced that power in Ukraine is in the hands of nationalists.

Already on March 10, 2014, he was dismissed as head of the Genichesk district administration because he supported the annexation of Crimea and went to live in Crimea himself. After Yanukovych fled to the Russian Federation, he called on Crimean Tatars to come and vote in a referendum to determine Crimea’s status and join the Russian Federation. After the illegal annexation of Crimea to the Russian Federation, he congratulated Putin on his victory on behalf of the Crimean Tatars, for which he received a letter of thanks from Putin himself.

On June 11, Seytumer Nuridinovich’s initiative a public organization “Qirim birligi” was founded in Crimea, which de jure defended the rights of the Crimean Tatars, but de facto was engaged in repressions and oppressions of the Turkic people. Also, deprived the Crimean Tatars of the Mejlis, a legislative and representative body. Visited the procession of the “Immortal Regiment” in Crimea.

He financed the “self-defense of Crimea,” provided paramilitary formations and special services of the Russian Federation with premises in the village of Chongar to set up headquarters.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation, the traitor contributed to the actions of the occupation troops, as a result of which he was appointed as the so-called “deputy head of the occupation administration for national issues in the city of Genichesk, Kherson region.

Now Seytumer Nimetullaev convinces the residents of the Genichesky district that Russian invaders “are about to take the Donetsk region” and then “will take Kharkov and Kiev. Nimetullayev also refers to the occupied Genichesky District of Kherson Oblast as “the territory of the Russian Federation” and says that he returned from occupied Crimea in order to decide “how to live further” together with the residents of the district.

For high treason Seytumer Nuridinovich Nimetullaev faces up to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property, part of which operates in Ukraine in the temporarily occupied territories.