Full name: Nina Valeryevna Mashchenko

Date of birth: 06.02.1997

Address: Ukraine, Shevchenko village, Skadovskiy district, Kherson region


– an employee of the occupation administration of the Kherson region;

– the head of the territorial settlement, appointed by the occupiers;

– A collaborator of the occupation authorities, a collaborator


Mashchenko Nina Valerievna – an accomplice of Russian invaders in Ukraine, who sold out to the“Russian world” was born in the village of Shevchenko, Skadovsky district, Kherson region. Before the war she lived in the mentioned locality. She barely had time to finish university before she was “employed” by the occupation administration.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Since the beginning of her working career under the occupiers, Mashchenko has already managed to distinguish herself with her pro-Russian views. After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the girl showed her pro-Russian position and supported the actions of the occupiers. She voluntarily defected to the side of the enemy and began to work in the local occupation administration as “head of rural settlement of territorial administration of Shevchenko village”, where she managed on the instructions of the Rashists the affairs of personnel work in the occupation administration, because the “perpetual” collaborator performs well organizational and administrative functions in the local occupation administration and obeys her Russian masters.

In addition, the collaborator was engaged in Russian passportization of residents of temporarily occupied settlements of Skadovskiy district. Local residents who disagreed with the “new orders” were taken on a list and denounced to the Rashists in the commandant’s office. As soon as she received a pseudo-duty, the state trafficker herself immediately formalized all the documents according to Russian legislation and received a passport of the aggressor country.

Also, the accomplice of the Rashists agreed to participate in the “day of unified voting” on September 10 in the temporarily occupied territories of Kherson region and put forward her candidacy for “deputies” from “united Russia“. In order to “win the commitment” of local residents, the collaborator distributed humanitarian aid and food packages, and also went to the homes of elderly people with propaganda “for Russia”.

The minor traitor Mashchenko will answer for treason and collaborationist activity on all merits. And the punishment will come very soon.