
Date of birth: 27.06.1954

Address: Ukraine,Molochansk,Zaporizhzhya region

Passport: series CU 292071, issued by Tokmak District Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Zaporizhzhya region 15.01.2013

TIN: 199010520

Contacts: +380689604393; 380617822357


– an enabler and propagandist for the “Russian world“;

– an employee of the occupation administration;

– State treason, participant in the “United Russia” preliminary vote



Shchepashchenko Nina Sergeevna – a traitor to Ukraine, who believed in the “Russian world” and went to the side of the enemy was born June 27, 1954 in the town of Molochansk Zaporozhye region.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian occupants, the woman was among those traitors and accomplices of the occupation regime, who in the first days of the war went over to the enemy side and became puppets in the hands of pro-Russian pseudo-government officials in the temporarily occupied territory of the Kherson region.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Voluntarily and on her own initiative, Nina Sergeevna cooperated with the occupation authorities and obtained Russian citizenship. Activist at all events organized by the occupiers in the city of Tokmak. Among his acquaintances he actively promotes the ideas of the Russian world. Joyfully speaks at propaganda events organized by local gauleiters and representatives of Putin’s regime. The collaborator participates in gatherings of pro-Russian activists and discusses cultural and public issues.

Also on the eve of the elections planned by the Rashists in September 2023, the corrupt collaborator registered her candidacy from the political party “United Russia” and has already managed to participate in the preliminary voting.

For betrayal of the Motherland and promotion of ideas of “Russian peace“, the accomplice of the Russian occupation regime Nina Sergeevna Shchepashchenko will be justly punished before the tribunal. Soon the collaborator will be held responsible for all her crimes.