Full name: Simonenko Nina Nikolaevna

Date of birth: November 17, 1963

Address: Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Priazovsky district, s. Pryazovskoe, Petrovskogo str.

Phone: +7990025901, +380677758473


-the headof the Union of Entrepreneurs of the Priazovsky district;

-An employee of the occupation administration in the village of Priazovskoye;

-member of the “election commission” at the pseudo-referendum in Melitopol



Simonenko Nina Nikolaevna Simonenko was born on November 17, 1963 in Priazovskoye, an urban-type settlement in Zaporizhzhia region.

Nina Simonenko is an active public and political activist. Before the full-scale invasion, she was the head of the Union of Entrepreneurs of the Priazovsky district. Previously, she worked on the Zechomanda staff and ran for township council herself.

Anti-Ukrainian and terrorist activities:

As it turned out, Nina Nikolaevna Simonenko had hidden pro-Russian political views, which the traitor actively manifested during the full-scale invasion of Zaporizhzhia region by Russian occupation troops.

The traitor immediately adapted to the work of the occupation authorities and began to cooperate directly with the accomplices of the “Putin regime.

The collaborator advocated a fake referendum on the territory of Zaporizhzhia region and directly organized the illegal event. The collaborator participated in the pseudo-referendum as a “member” of the election commission and ensured the organization and order of the “electoral process. Simonenko also gathered residents of the Priazovskiy district for runs with the Russian flag.

Nina Nikolaevna Simonenko, an accomplice of the “Russian world,” will have to answer to the law for supporting the occupation troops and spreading pro-Russian sentiments. By contributing to the terrorist activities of the rf in Ukraine, the collaborator brutally betrayed her people and for this woman is justly punished. After all, there will be no forgiveness for people like her.