Full name: Brus Oksana Alexandrovna
Date of birth: 17.10.1973

Address: Ukraine, Energodar
Contacts: +79900642014


– an employee of a pre-school under the occupation authorities;

– Traitor to the Motherland, collaborator


Bruss Oksana Alexandrovna – accomplice of Russian occupants and traitor was born in the city of Energodar, Zaporozhye region. She has a higher pedagogical education.

Before the full-scale inv asion she worked in the sphere of pre-school education, but when Russia invaded Ukraine Oksana and her husband, who is a relative of the collaborator Bruss Vladimir Alexandrovich, who with the arrival of invaders “got a job” as the head of “Teplovodokanal” and the Rashists provided him with a service vehicle, on which the pseudo-Chinusha drove around the city. Thus the other members of the collaborators’ family also went over to the Rashist side, including Bruss Oksana.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

At present, the collaborator is cooperating with the occupation authorities and has obtained a Russian passport. She remained in her previous place of work only under the leadership of the Russian invaders, holds the position of director of a pre-school education institution, only under the legal norms of the aggressor country.

Oksana Brusse, a state treasonist, completely adjusted to the invading policy of the Rashists and urged parents to recognize the Russian curriculum and read Russian textbooks. The traitor continues to support Russian educational standards and promotes anti-Ukrainian sentiments. I was pleased to receive humanitarian aid from Russian public and humanitarian organizations. Welcomed members of the rascist party “united Russia”.

She actively recruited specialists to cooperate, motivating them with high occupation wages, and parents of pupils with free stay of their children in the institution.

For her complicity with the occupation troops and pro-Russian position, the collaborator Bruss Oksana Alexandrovna will soon face imminent punishment, which will soon befall the traitor.