
Full name: Olga Pavlovna Kazantseva

Date of birth: 24.01.1977

Address: Ukraine, Kherson


– an employee of the “Ministry of Education of the Kherson region;

– participant of the pseudo-referendum;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupiers, a collaborator



Kazantseva Olga Pavlovna is a traitor of the Motherland, she was born on January 24, 1977 in the city of Kherson. She graduated from the Pedagogical Institute.

Olga Pavlovna worked as a teacher in one of the educational institutions in Kherson. But all her merits Olga Pavlovna crossed out in one day and turned out to be a vile traitor and collaborator of the Russian occupation authorities. After the beginning ofthe full-scale invasion of Russian troops in Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the woman went over to the side of the occupiers.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

The corrupt teacher Olga Kazantseva collaborated with the occupiers and served as head of the “Department of Statistical Analysis and Development of the Analytical and Statistical Department of the Ministry of Education of the Kherson Region” under the occupation authorities.

The collaborator also directly participated in the processes of a pseudo-referendum in Kherson region, was a coordinator and was responsible for the preparation and organization of the illegal event, including the woman offered employees of state institutions in Kherson to become a member of the vote counting in the fake referendum.

The collaborator illegally ordered local school principals to continue working for the occupiers and to start teaching the Russian curriculum. It also banned the use of literature in the Ukrainian language.

Olga Pavlovna Kazantseva is an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian occupants against Ukraine and its citizens, for which she will certainly have to answer. For working for the enemy, the collaborator will receive a fair punishment.