Full name: Vladimirova Olga Nikolaevna

Date of birth: 27.07.1975

Place of birth: Ukraine, Genichesk

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Genichesk, Volodarskogo street, 45.

INN: 2760118200

Phone number: +380664929683, +79900351770

Occupation: Head of the department of registration of legal entities in the city of Genichesk.



Married, with a child.

Collaborationist activities:

Collaborator Vladimirova Olga Nikolaevna was born July 27, 1975 in the city of Genichesk.

Olga started working in Genichesk, where she built her career. Until 24.02.2022 she held the position of head of the passport office in the city of Genichesk.

In February 2022 she went to cooperate with the occupants, was appointed head of the department of registration of legal entities within the Russian Federation in the city of Genichesk.

After the complete de-occupation of the city, Olga and her colleagues, who took the side of the invader, will go to trial. And their carefree days are coming to an end faster and faster.