
Full name: Pavel Ivanovich Petrenko

Date of Birth: 30.07.1956

Place of birth: Republic of Kazakhstan

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Novaya Kakhovka, Victory Ave. 22, sq.20.

Passport: MO 621428

TIN: 2066502090

Driving license: ІНА 991053

Contacts: +380660354925

Email: [email protected]

Personal transportation: FIAT car, FIAT DOBLO PANORAMA, 2007, BT3423AN

YIBEN YB150T-15 motorcycle, year of manufacture 2013, BT3342AA


Wife – Petrenko Zoya Vladimirovna, 16.01.1957.

TIN: 2113916627

Place of birth: Ukraine, Novaya Kakhovka city

Passport: MO 336491

Contacts: +380992318255,+380660354925

Son – Anton Pavlovich Petrenko, 11.03.1981.

Place of birth: Ukraine, Novaya Kakhovka city

Passport: MO 523323

TIN: 2965509892

Contacts: + 380951236607

Occupation: lawyer


– employee of the municipal enterprise “Production Department of Water Supply and Sewerage Services” in Novaya Kakhovka;

– an employee of the city water department;

– “head of the election commission” in Novocahovka municipality;

– traitor, collaborator


Pavel Ivanovich Petrenko is a traitor to the Motherland, and an accomplice of illegitimate elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, who after the occupation believed in the “Russian world” and went over to the side of the enemy. The man was born on July 30, 1956 on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but at a young age together with his family moved to live in Ukraine. All his labor Pavel Ivanovich built in Novaya Kakhovka, Kherson region, where he lives with his wife and son, who also “distinguished” his actions during the war.

Since 1999, Petrenko has been working in administrative state institutions in Novaya Kakhovka. A long period of Pavel Ivanovich’s labor path is the work in the municipal water utility, namely in the municipal enterprise “Production Department of Water Supply and SewerageServices” in Novaya Kakhovka, where the man held the position of shop manager.

Unfortunately, some moments from the biography of Pavel Petrenok showed how much the man is an “exemplary citizen of his country”. After all, with the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian occupants in Ukraine, the honored employee of the city water company was among the traitors and accomplices of the occupation regime, who voluntarily agreed to help the enemy and supported the policy of the aggressor country on the territory of Ukraine.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

At first, Pavel Ivanovich’s son Anton Petrenko, who used to work in the Kherson regional prosecutor’s office and now cooperates with Russian servicemen in the temporarily occupied territory, switched to the side of the Russian invaders on his own initiative. The occupiers immediately appointed Anton to a senior position in the “military-civil administration” of Nova Kakhovka, where Petrenko Jr. works as a lawyer and provides his services to representatives of the illegal authority.

Participation in pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine:

Pavel Ivanovich himself remained in his position only in the city water company, which had already been seized by the occupants. The Rashists did not leave Petrenka Sr. without a job and nominated Pavel Ivanovich for the upcoming pseudo-elections in September 2023, where he received a worthy pseudo-position of “chairman of the election commission No. 7” of Novokakhovsky municipal district. In his old age, Petrenko agitates for the “Russian world” and is sure that the future of the Kherson region is determined by Russia.

Pavel Ivanovich Petrenko and his family made their choice in favor of the aggressor country. For betraying the Motherland and promoting the ideas of the “Russian world“, as well as participation in fake elections, Petrenok will be punished in accordance with the laws of Ukraine. After all, there will be no forgiveness for traitors to Ukraine.