
Full name: Pokalyuk Andrei

Date of birth: September 03

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Energodar city

Contacts: +380507770819


– a former employee of the Ukrainian Ministry of Emergency Situations;

– Z-patriot, propaganda participant;

– Collaborator, traitor.



Z-patriot, who not only “in words”, but also with his anti-Ukrainian actions supported the policy of the aggressor country – Pokalyuk Andrei. He was born and lives in Energodar, Zaporizhzhya region. He was an employee of a unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine in Energodar.

When a full-scale war broke out in Ukraine, Andrei and his wife Pokalyuk Svetlana became one of the first residents of this settlement who voluntarily betrayed their people and exchanged their patriotism for the“values of the Russian world” and thus went over to the side of the occupants.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Since the beginning of full-scale hostilities by the aggressor country on the territory of Ukraine, Pokalyuk and his family have been actively expressing their commitment to the occupying authorities.

After the arrival of the occupants, Kolobok Pokalyuk went to cooperate with representatives of Putin’s regime in Kamensk-Dniprovsky district. He has repeatedly spoken out about the violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine. In his social networks Andriy spreads provocative publications in social networks in order to discredit the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The collaborator supports the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine. Actively puts forward Rashist ideas of political-territorial organization of Ukraine. He took part in a Rashist rally to celebrate the “victory day” with communist symbols. Also thanks to the assistance of the occupants, his daughter is now studying in Sevastopol, and Andrei himself does not hide his support for the terrorist country and shows photos from the temporarily occupied Crimea in social networks.

Of course, we can conclude that we are facing another collaborator, an accomplice of Russian war criminals and occupiers, involved in the genocide of the Ukrainian people and an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian authorities against the state of Ukraine.

Pokalyuk Andrei and the entire family of traitors will not be able to avoid paying for their war crimes and support for Putin’s regime in Ukraine.