
Full name: Rennoy Rodion

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Severodonetsk


– a former police officer in the city of Severodonetsk;

– An employee of the “LNR” security services;

– traitor, traitor, collaborator


Rodion Ramenyon is a state traitor who defected to the side of the enemy troops of the Russian invaders was born in Severodonetsk, Lugansk Oblast. In 2010, he graduated from Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University / Volodymyr Dahl Luhansk State University. After graduation, Rodion joined the civil service and became an employee of the city police department in Severodonetsk, Lugansk region. Later, Rodion Rameny went on to serve in the traffic police.

Later he worked in the Department of Justice of Luhansk Oblast, but resigned for health reasons (he bought a medical examination) in about 2016, after which he started working fortheRussian world”.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops in 2022, Rodion betrayed his oath and voluntarily took the side of the occupiers.

After the emergence of separatist movements in the region, he joined the terrorist activities and even received training at a local militant training center. The traitor also served in the military service in the units oftheministry of state securityof the LNR.

As an active supporter of the Russian occupation authorities, the collaborator also received a pseudo-duty for his service to the Russian occupiers. He headed the fake registration-examination office (MREO) of the “department of state inspection of road safety of the MGBLNR” in the city of Severodonetsk.

Rodion Ramenyon, an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian government against Ukraine and its citizens, will answer to the law and will soon find himself in the dock.