Full name: Sergievsky Roman Igorevich

Date of birth: 01.10.1992

Address: Ukraine, Balakleya, Kharkov reg.

INN: 3387702499

Passport: MT041008

Driver’s license: ВХР254848

Phone: +380931478419

Email: [email protected]


-serviceman ofthe Armed Forces of Ukraine;

-A traitor, a collaborator.


Traitor Roman Igorevich Sergievsky was born on October 1, 1992 in the village of Tynda district of the Amur region.

He has lived in Ukraine since he was a little girl. He served in the ranks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He served in the units of the 65th Ammunition Storage Arsenal of the Central Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is located on the outskirts of Balakleya, Kharkov region, namely in military unit A1352.

During his service, the soldier-traitor managed to distinguish himself by unlawful and illegal actions. In 2015, the traitor was “caught” illegally keeping ammunition, namely “rgd-5” grenades marked “93-87,” as well as several fuses marked “us rgm-2. Then the “case was hushed up,” but the renegade Roman Sergievsky was dismissed from service without the right to wear uniform.

Criminal behavior did not leave Roman Sergievsky and after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, Roman Igorevich engaged in collaborationist activities. An accomplice of the occupiers, Sergievsky actively assists the rf troops and supports the arrival of the “liberators.

The collaborator also assists the occupation authorities in spreading pro-Russian propaganda, collecting information about the location and movement of AFU units, and identifying “Ukrainian patriots.

The scum is cooperating with servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces. Also helps “LNR and DPR” fighters with ammunition.

Inevitable and just punishment awaits the collaborator Roman Igorevich Sergievsky for his collaboration with the Russian occupation authorities, aiding and abetting treason.