Full name: Tsiba Roman Aleksandrovich

Date of birth:

Alias: Fascist

Place of birth: Luhansk region, Kreminna district, Rubizhne

Places of residence:

Luhansk region, Kreminna district, Rubizhne

  • Moskovsky Ave. 23A, sq. 16;
  • ul. Solomy Krushelnytska, 85.

Education: Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs named after E. А. Didorenko

Identification number: 2928810733

Occupation: Collaborator, militant of the illegal armed formation of the so-called “LnR”.

Labor Path:

After graduating from Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs, he served in the department of combating drug trafficking in the Rubizhne local department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in Luhansk region.

2014 – officer of the National Police of Ukraine;

2014 – militant of the so-called “All-Union Army of the Don”;

2015 – member of the detachment of the International Union of Public Associations “All Great Army of the Don”;

2019 – assistant grenade launcher t.v. of the illegal armed formation “LNR.

Activities on the side of the occupier:

As an officer of the National Police, he criticized Ukraine’s top military and political leadership. He condemned the war that had started in eastern Ukraine and expressed the opinion that it was possible to reach an agreement with the Russian Federation by agreeing to its terms.

He voluntarily defected to the side of the occupant, where he joined an illegal armed formation, the so-called “LnR. He agitated the male population of the so-called “LNR” to join the armed formations.

He was in one of the armed formations headed by Pavel Dremov, Cossack ataman of the “All Great Army of the Don”.

Involved in war crimes, violating the norms of humanitarian law regarding inhumane treatment of prisoners of war of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Guilty of committing bloody and brutal crimes against captured Ukrainian servicemen.

He engaged in looting, there were repeated instances of theft of vehicles, which were later used for the transportation of weapons and ammunition.