Full name: Rustam Kuliev Javanshirovich

Date of birth: 07.06.1988

Address: Ukraine, Kharkiv region, Shevchenko district, Novonikolayevka village, Mir str. 28A;



Higher – Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport, specialization – management of transportation processes (2005-2010);


– The head of the response sector of the patrol police of the Kupyansk police department of the Main Directorate of the State National Security Service of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region;

– t.s. “an employee of the occupation police of the city of Kupyansk;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupants;





He is not married and has no children.

Police officer turned traitor – Rustam Dzhavanshirovich Kuliev, was born on June 7, 1988 in the village of Novonikolaevka, Kharkov region. After graduating from school in 2005, Rustam entered the Ukrainian State Academy of Railway Transport to study transportation process management.

However, upon graduating from the academy, Kuliev goes to work not for the railroad, but for the police. First, he gets a job as a patrol police officer at the Kupyansk Department of the Main Directorate of the State National Police of Ukraine in the Kharkiv region. Fate favors Rustam and, after some time, he is appointed to the post of chief of response sector of the patrol police. Very in vain, because soon Rustam will show his “true face.

With the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and the entry of Russian occupation forces in Kupyansk, Rustam Kuliev broke the oath and went over to the side of the enemy. The invaders assigned him as an “employee” in the so-called “occupation police of the city of Kupyansk. It was established that Rustam, together with other “policemen,” participated in the terrorization of civilians in Kupyansk.

Having become a “policeman,” Rustam Kuliev has forever become a traitor to Ukraine and will be severely punished for it.