
Full name: Kunitsa Sergey Pavlovich

Date of birth: 27.06.1954

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Severodonetsk district, Sadovaya street, sq.25.

Passport of a citizen of rf: 6024,#099350

INN: 3459508679119


– participant of the pseudo-referendum;

– member of the regional branch of the socialist political party “fair russia-patriots-for truth in lnr“;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation troops, a collaborator


Kunitsa Sergey Pavlovich – traitor to the Motherland, state traitor was born on June 27, 1954 in the city of Severodonetsk, Lugansk region. Retiree. In his hometown he was engaged in social activities.

Since 2014 Kunitsa has been directly involved in the construction of public and political life of the city as part of the “Luhansk people’s republic“.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

The collaborator repeatedly helped the “local administration” in organizing pro-Russian events. The Rashist collaborator also agitated the local population to help the occupation troops and assisted in spreading propaganda narratives among the youth of Severodonetsk.

In addition, the occupier’s accomplice collected information about local residents who support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and have a negative attitude toward the military aggression of the Russian Federation.

The collaborator passed data on these people to the representatives of the occupation authorities. Sergei Pavlovich participated in the pseudo-referendum, voted in favor. Continues to speak in favor of the Putin regime.

In July 2023, Sergei Kunitsa was elected chairman of the party “Fair Russia-Patriots for Truth in Lnr” and became a candidate for the elections to the “People’s Council of Lnr”, which the occupiers planned for September.

For cooperation with the Russian aggressor and betrayal of his homeland, the state traitor Kunitsy Sergei Pavlovich will spend a fair time behind bars in his old age, which he certainly deserved for his despicable collaborationist activities.