
Full name: Sergey Ivanovich Malyarenko

Date of birth: 03.01.1961

Driver’s license: JTA 093254

TIN: 2243418098

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Kamensko-Dneprovsky district, Vodyanoye village, Gvardeyskaya street 385.


Wife – Nadezhda Malyarenko, 31.08.1963

TIN: 2325305120

Place of birth: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Kamensko-Dneprovsky district, Vodyanoye village.

Daughter – Alena Sergeevna Malyarenko, 28.12.1988

TIN: 3250410243


– an employee of a farm;

– a participant in propaganda events organized by the occupiers;

– representative from the LDPR party of Kamensk-Dniprovsky district;

– collaborator


Another lover of“Russian peace” and representative of the family of “koloboks”, who betrayed Ukraine for the sake of Putin and imaginary “decent” life in the rf – Malarenko Sergey Ivanovich.

Born in Zaporizhzhya region, Kamensko-Dneprovsky district, Vodyanoye village. He lives at the address: Gvardeyskaya street,385. Married, has a daughter Alyona, born in 1988. Serhiy is also very close in collaborationist activities with his younger brother – Volodymyr Malyarenko, a pseudo-deputy of Kamiansko-Dniprovsky district from the “LdPR”.

Sergiy Ivanovich worked all his life in the sphere of agro-industry and agricultural business. For a long period of time he worked at the farm “Mechta” at the address: Zaporizhzhya region, Vasilievsky district, Vodyanoye village, Partizanskyi per. 1a.

In February 2022, when the Russian Federation launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Maliarenko, a farmer from Vodyaniy, supported the aggressive policy of the Russian Federation regarding the occupation of Ukrainian territories. Together with his brother Vladimir, he began to support the occupation regime with words and actions.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After the Rashists came to Energodar Malyarenko rejoiced at the arrival of the “liberators” and showed his pro-Russian position, joined the local “activists” of the“Putin regime‘s” accomplices.

In order to show his “commitment” to Russia, the colobok Malyarenko was the first in the queue to receive a Russian passport in Vodyanoye village, because he always considered himself a citizen of a non-state. Now Sergei Ivanovich has a unique “opportunity” to become an errand boy for theaccomplices of Putin’s regime in Energodar, because in the future he and his younger collaborator Volodya demonstrated loyalty to their Russian masters .

After obtaining rf citizenship, Serhiy Ivanovich became a full ̶п̶р̶е̶д̶а̶т̶е̶л̶е̶м̶ member of the Rashist circus program in the village of Vodyanoye. Sergei and his family of traitors became “nails” of all propaganda programs organized by the occupants.

Malarenko Jr. immediately got a job with the occupation administration and became a pseudo-deputy of Kamensk-Dniprovsky district from the LDPR. He brought humanitarian aid in the form of occupation rags and “LDPr” T-shirts and dressed up his older brother and other traitors from the village.

In the run-up to the fake election campaign, Volodymyr Malyarenko decided to show compassion for his neighbors and to help those in need. The most needy of all was brother Sergei, who, as it turned out, has a disability group and cannot move around the village! In this way, the local pseudo-government activists led by their brother-collaborator made a show and gave Sergei Ivanovich a long-awaited wheelchair, which he apparently forgot to take with him to all other propaganda events. There it is – the healing of the“Russian world“.

Serhiy Malyarenko, along with other pro-Russian public figures in the Kamensk-Dniprovsky district , promoted Russian narratives. In May 2022, he and his younger brother “shone” at the “celebrations” of Victory Day with the Russian occupants in the village of Vodyanoye.

Then the occupants organized a rally, and the head of the car column was Volodya Malyarenko, followed by Seryozha. The traitors wore the Russian flag, as well as communist symbols.

Also on the eve of the September elections planned by the Russian occupants in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, the collaborator Serhiy Malyarenko helped the Rashists to form “polling stations” in Kamensk-Dneprovsky district. Supported Malarenka Jr. in the “election campaign.”

“Sergiy Malyarenko received “triumphant fame” after a video of a gathering ofactivists” of Kamensk-Dneprovsky district published by the press service of the Zaporizhzhya region. Together with a bunch of traitors from Vodyaniy, Serhiy was at a party on the anniversary of the “reunification” of Zaporizhzhya region with Russia.

With his favorite drink in his hands , Malyarenko made toasts, thanked all the villagers for the “choice made” and confessed his love for Russia and Putin in “his language” – the most peculiar to the inhabitants of Zaporizhzhya region, that is, in Surzhik, and also danced to Ukrainian songs.

The faces of such scum will be remembered for a long time. A representative of the family of Ukrainophobes – Serhiy Malyarenko has voluntarily signed his own verdict by voluntarily switching to the side of the aggressor country and promoting anti-Ukrainian sentiments. He will definitely be court-martialed and given a fair punishment for his illegal actions against Ukraine and its people.

You will soon be caught red-handed, just like your brother! After all, there will be no place for collaborators in the vacated territories.