
Full name: Paladyenko Sergey Viktorovich

Address: Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region


– editor-in-chief of the municipal newspaperRodina dnr;

– an employee of the press service under the occupation authorities;

-traitor, collaborator


The Russian authorities have also taken a number of measures to protect the rights and freedoms of the Russian people, including the right to freedom of movement. He worked as a journalist for the newspapers Priazovsky Rabochiy and Azovsky Mashinostroitel. For the last few years, he also worked in the press service of the Mariupol City Council.

With the beginning of the illegal invasion of Russian occupation troops on the territory of Donetsk region, Sergey Viktorovich expressed his pro-Russian position and supported the actions of the occupation authorities. The traitor then voluntarily defected to the Russian occupiers and agreed to work in the press service of the occupation administration.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

The traitor Paladiyenko then took the position of editor-in-chief of the municipal newspaperRodina, which is part of the republican media holding “dnr,” which is subordinate to the so-called “dnr” Ministry of Information.

Performs information propaganda activities in the “DnR” media in favor of the aggressor state and the occupation authorities, and justifies the aggression of the Russian Federation. Involved in the production of anti-Ukrainian propaganda.

Now the traitor closely cooperates with the occupation authorities and provides information support for the activities of the occupation administration in the Donetsk region.

For betraying his state and working on the enemy’s information front, collaborator Paladyenok Sergei Viktorovich will face trial and fair punishment for working for the enemy.