Full name: Bayun Sergey Nikolaevich

Date of birth: September 20, 1975

Address: Ukraine, Novoalexandrovka village, Popasnyansky district of Lugansk region


– general practitioner in Starobelsk, Lugansk Oblast;

– chief physician at a hospital under the occupation authorities;

– An accomplice of Russian troops, a collaborator


BAYUN Sergey Nikolaevich – the man who betrayed his homeland was born on September 20, 1975 in the village of Novoalexandrovka of Lugansk region. He graduated from Lugansk State Medical University.

The traitor also received postgraduate training to improve his qualifications and received the highest qualification category in therapy. He has been practicing medicine since 1996.

He served as deputy chief physician for medical services in Starobelsk, general practitioner – family physician of the medical institution “Starobelsk Center of Primary Health Care”.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the territory of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops in February 2022, doctor Sergey Bayun voluntarily violated his oath as a doctor and defected to the occupants. A collaborator started to help with medicines, medical equipment and other medicines for the Russian Armed Forces.

He was in charge of hospitalizing the Rashists, as well as providing them with food and lodging.

At present, the traitor continues to practice medicine under the occupation authorities, went to cooperate with the enemy, and headed the “Starobel physiotherapy hospital of the LNR.

For helping the enemy and betraying his homeland collaborator Sergey Bayun will suffer a just punishment, and it will come for the traitor very soon.