Full name: Sergey Kharchenko

Date of birth: February 19, 1991

Place of birth: Kherson region, the city of Kherson

Address: Kherson region, Kherson Potemkinskaya street 97, sq. 32.

Kherson region, Kherson Karl Marx str. 97, kv. 32

INN: 3328713376

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine for traveling abroad: FT334567


Mobile numbers: +380502747733



[email protected]


– deputy of the Kherson city council

Marital status: unmarried

Collaborationist activities:

Collaborator and traitor in one person. Kharchenko Sergey Vladimirovich was born on February 19, 1991 in Kherson. Through bribery and deception, Kharchenko quickly rose through the ranks to become the new director of Khersonteploenergo.

Having taken a very lucrative position, Sergei began to take bribes into his own pocket. In the declaration, accordingly, Vladimirovich’s income is reduced to the amount of 12 thousand hryvnias per month. It turns out that the director of “Khersonteploenergo” gets too little money to lend his friend 28 thousand dollars.

With the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the traitor Sergiy Kharchenko made contact with the Russian occupiers to preserve his financial and social position.

But Sergei apparently did not think through that people see his cooperation and remember how Kharchenko betrayed not only his people, but also his native land.